Sumagran Active

Fast effective migraine relief. For the acute relief of migraine attacks with or without aura.

Dosage (adults aged 18 to 65 years)
This product contains lactose.
This product is gluten free.
Store below 25 degrees C.
Keep out of reach of children.


Use only if you are certain that you have a migraine headache. Do not take Sumagran Active if you have any of the following: heart or liver problems; vascular problems; uncontrolled high blood pressure; an allergy to Sumatriptan, sulfur (e.g. sulfonamides), or any ingredients listed in the enclosed leaflet. Do not take Sumagran Active if you are taking other medicines used for the treatment of migraine, or treatment of depression (MAOI).

Please note

If you are intending to order this product, please answer the following questions (either by email, or by adding to the comments of the order).

Marketed in New Zealand by Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand.
Sumagran Active 2 tablets $23.70